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Causes and advice to prevent bad breath

Causes and advice to prevent bad breath

Has bad breath or, as many experts call it, halitosis, become a loyal companion of yours and you are still looking for a way to fight it?

Do not despair because in this blog entry we will explain what causes bad breath and the best methods to minimize its effects.

To start with, you should not feel embarrassed about having bad breath because, like almost everything in this life, it has a solution.

The main culprits

There is usually one main cause behind the unpleasant odours on out breath and this is none other than the bacteria located in our mouth, especially our tongue, and food debris.

1. Poor oral hygiene

In most cases, bad breath is caused by poor or incorrect oral hygiene. To prevent the appearance of halitosis or bad breath, you should make sure that you follow a proper daily oral hygiene routine.

If we do not follow a good routine, the remains of the food that we eat during the day will remain in our mouth and this will help feed the dental plaque bacteria and cause them to grow.

The rough surface of our tongue and tonsils does not help to eliminate this food debris or prevent it from being metabolized by the mouth bacteria, and this can result in bad breath.p>

2. Some foods and drinks

However, bacteria are not the only culprits; some foods such as raw onion, garlic or cabbage can also cause unpleasant odours to come from our mouths.

Moreover, if you enjoy a large cup of coffee in the morning to start your day in an energetic fashion, you may notice that it leaves a strange feeling in your mouth. This is because coffee can cause bad breath due to its intense flavour.

However, this is not the only thing that coffee provokes because drinking coffee also reduces saliva production. The culprit? Caffeine.

3. Bad habits

Bad habits, such as smoking or consuming alcohol, can also favour the appearance of this unpleasant sensation.

The more alcohol you consume, the higher the probability you have of suffering from halitosis. Drinking alcohol reduces saliva production and, as we have already mentioned, this creates the perfect scenario for the bacteria that cause bad smell to develop.

In addition to this, diets with a high sugar and protein content can also cause bad breath, as the sugars interact with the bacteria in the mouth, thereby increasing the risk of suffering tooth decay which in turn can generate an unpleasant smell.


Are there different types of bad breath? Are any treatments available?

Are there different types of halitosis?

Yes, halitosis is classified according to the duration of the problem:

– Transitory: This first category is characterized by occasional bad breath, and it occurs as soon as we wake up. It appears because of the reduction in saliva production during the night and the fact that we go several hours without eating.

-Persistent:In this case, the bad breath does not go away with traditional hygiene methods, but rather it requires a specific treatment, depending on the diagnosis.

How can I get rid of bad breath?

Keeping your mouth free of bacteria is the best defence against bad breath.

When food particles are not eliminated properly, this favours the development of bacteria in the teeth, gums and tongue. This can cause bad breath and result in more serious diseases if not treated in due time and if the bacteria are allowed to continue developing.

To prevent this, you should brush your teeth after every meal, use dental floss with fluoride and complete the routine with a mouth rinse. And you should make sure not to forget your tongue as this organ also needs a thorough hygiene routine.

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