Lacer Oral healthcare test
In less than 5 minutes you will get a pre-diagnosis that, besides helping you identify your oral health issues, will tell you the first steps to follow in order to solve it.
Start testWrite your e-mail in the next box and we will send you the pre-diagnosis to print and show to your dentist.
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Sorry, we couldn’t find an answer to your ailment, we recommend you to visit your dentist as soon as possible.
It looks like you have a perfectly healthy mouth, but do not forget to visit your dentist twice a year.
We recommend you the use of our Lacer line to prevent tooth decay and the LacerFresh line if you also want lasting freshness. In case you need an effective anti-caries protection but are looking for the most natural line, LacerNatur is the one for you. If you want protection against tooth decay and a white smile, LacerBlanc is what you are looking for. If you prefer a complete protection, LacerOros is your line.
It looks like you have a perfectly healthy mouth, however, we suggest you a change of habits in relation to your mouth care. Do not forget to visit your dentist twice a year.
Finally, we recommend the daily use of our Lacer line to prevent tooth decay and the LacerFresh line if you are also looking for a lasting freshness feeling. In case you need an effective anti-caries protection but you also look for the most natural line, LacerNatur is the one for you. If you want protection against tooth decay and white teeth, LacerBlanc is what you are looking for. And if you would rather choose a complete protection, LacerOros is the line for you.
It looks like you have a perfectly healthy mouth, but do not forget to visit your dentist twice a year.
We recommend the use of our Lacer line to prevent tooth decay and the LacerFresh line if you also look for lasting freshness. If you need an effective tooth decay protection but are looking for the most natural line, LacerNatur is for you. If you need tooth decay protection and a white smile, LacerBlanc is what you are looking for. And if you would rather have an all-around protection, LacerOros is the line for you.
We recommend the use of our Lacer line to prevent tooth decay and LacerOros line if you prefer an effective protection.
Finally, for an effective protection for teeth and gum, we recommend the use of the LacerOros line.